Meet Denise our Yoga Teacher
We asked some questions to Denise our Yoga Teacher.
Name : Denise
From: Melbourne, Australia
Role at Sandycamps: Yoga teacher

Short description of yourself and your life before Sandycamps?
I am constantly seeking new experiences. I am in love with yoga (obviously) and everything about the practice (physical, mental and spiritual) I love to learn new things. I am a massive foodie, I love trying new cuisines everyday. Before Sandycamps I was combining all of the things I just mentioned on a road trip exploring new countries, practicing yoga & eating with one friend through the EU.
Words to live by?
‘There is nowhere to go but everywhere so just keep rolling under the stars.’ - My favourite writer Jack Kerouac where all of my inspiration to travel came from.
What is your favourite thing about traveling?
My favourite thing about traveling is the difference in Landscape from country to country. I love nature, wide open spaces and wild terrain. I love to find myself in the quiet spaces of nature in a new country and marvel at how some places in nature can look so wildly diverse but feel so familiar.

What do you like to do in your spare time?
I like to spend my free time on big solo walks in Imsouane, listening to good tunes or scaling charity shops for pre loved books, clothes, furniture etc.
What is your main source of inspiration?
Literature, poetry & non-fiction adventure stories. Whenever I find a writer or book that I fall in love with, especially about adventure I yearn to understand what the writer/character feels & experiences. This is what ignites the flame of all inspiration for me.
Describe your life goals?
I want to continue to learn everyday & have new life changing experiences. I hope you endure a long life of adventure and discovery, to always be challenged and enlightened.

What does your practice look like?
My practice is ever-changing as does my emotions, physical ability and geography. My practice is a listening to my body and what my body needs - some weeks I really need to move, sweat and be strong, when I feel this I like to attend classes of hot yoga, ashtanga style. Other times I need to rest, restore and nurture myself, when I feel like this I spend hours a day in the company of myself practicing yin & yoga nidra.
What inspires your teachings?
Understanding - Every persons practice is totally different and a teacher is just there for guidance to have a certain level of openness, encouragement & understanding.
What does being a part of the Sandycamps team mean to you?
Being a part of the Sandycamps team at this point in time is very special as it is a new company and therefore we are all in the process of learning together. It means I have a family I can explore with, learn from & most importantly make memories with.